The objectives of the General Social Security Treasury include the roll-out of new technologies for the purpose of performing day-to-day activities. The Electronic Signature and P@assword must be used both by companies and natural persons. The only way to complete Social Security formalities (e.g. getting codes for a Contribution Account in Spain) in a secure and efficient manner involves the use of an electronic certificate.
In the recent past, many administrative procedures were able to be carried out physically or face-to-face, via a power of attorney signed with the customer, but due to the ongoing digitalisation of public entity processes, at present the only available way to complete these formalities in a secure and efficient manner is by electronic means, which is why an “Electronic Signature” is now deemed to be necessary and essential.
Based on the regulatory framework of Act 39/2015 of 1 October on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administration (BOE 2 October), the objectives of the General Social Security Treasury include the roll-out of new technologies for the purpose of performing the day-to-day activities of the entity, paving the way for new services both in the Electronic Data Submission (EDS) System and the Website. Furthermore, Order ESS/214/2018 of 1 March (BOE 6 March) regulating the Social Security’s Electronic Data Submission System, specified the task of including the Self-Employed in the EDS System as of 1 October 2018. Since that date, it has been observed how these workers have seamlessly adapted to the imminent use of electronic means.
The foregoing enables us to draw the conclusion that for companies and individuals alike, the use of the Electronic Signature and P@ssword is an unquestionable and compulsory reality. That is why, at Arintass, we would like to further enhance our working relationship by adapting and streamlining the face-to-face processes at our offices.
We take this opportunity to draw your attention to ¨obtaining contribution account codes online and EDS System authorisation affiliation numbers and forms FR10 and FR103 respectively¨.
The General Social Security Treasury has informed all those authorised members of the Madrid EDS System that, from November onwards, in all offices of our province, the procedure must be carried out by electronic means. However, FR10 will be admitted temporarily in paper format in order to oversee the inclusion of new contribution account codes of Domestic Employers under System 0138.
At Arintass, we provide a bespoke service for the purpose of electronically obtaining codes for a Contribution Account in Spain and EDS System authorisation affiliation numbers by way of Electronic Signature, with a view to ensuring that our customers are fully prepared for any new regulations sufficiently in advance, without the risk of facing penalties or delaying any formalities which allow them to run their business effectively.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us. We are standing by to provide you with any assistance you may need in this regard.