Arintass – en

Sanctions for non-compliance with the Home Office Law

Sanctions for non-compliance with the home office law

Home office has been fully implement in the legal regime since 1 October.

The regulatory text foresees that from 1 October 2021 the authorities will sanction companies that do not comply with the conditions set out in the telework agreement with fines of up to 225,000 euros.

The home office agreement is a document that, according to the law, a company must negotiate, draw up and sign with its employees to set out the conditions of teleworking before the employee starts teleworking. This document must contain a series of minimum requirements, which, if not complied with, will be consider infringements of varying degrees, from minor to very serious, with different financial penalties.

Within this legal regime, employers who do not provide employees with the necessary materials and, therefore, do not comply with the regulation, will face a fine of up to 7,500 euros, as it is considered a serious sanction.

Depending on the degree of non-compliance with the contract, the sanction can also be consider minor or very serious, with the following amounts:

According to the Remote Working Act, the teleworking agreement has to reflect at least the following conditions:

Inmaculada Pessini

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